1       Important remark

All parameters in the structure are independent.

At this moment there is no way to define a dependency in the program.

2       Classic ANSYS commands

2.1      N - definition of node


N, number_of_node, x, y


where x - first coordinate of the node, y - second coordinate of the node.


2.2      MP - definition of material properties (Young modulus)


MP, EX, number_of_material, value



2.3      R - definition of other constants (in this case this is a definition of cross-section)


R, number_of_constant, value


2.4      E - definition of the elements thru the node


E, node_1, node_2


2.5      F - definition of point forces on nodes


F, node, dof, value


where dof indicate direction of particular force. If dof=FX then a force is in x-direction. If dof=FY then the force is in y-direction


2.6      D - definition of boundary condition on node


D, node, dof, value


where dof=UX,UY,UZ. At this moment the value can be only equal to zero.

3       Interval version of ANSYS commands

3.1      MP - definition of interval material properties in percent (Young modulus)


MP, EX, number_of_material, uncertainty_in_percent


3.1      R - definition of uncertainty of other constants (in this case this is a definition of cross-section)


R, number_of_constant, uncertainty_in_percent



[1] ANSYS Commands References